Stunning City Night View – Shinjuku (Tokyo, Japan)

There are quite a few places in Tokyo to see great night views, the Tokyo Tocho Tenboshitsu (都庁の展望室) is definitely one of them, best of all, it’s FREE!

That’s the Tokyo Tocho Tenboshitsu building. It’s located right outside subway Oedo Line (都営大江戸線) Tochomae Station (都庁前駅)
Here’s the front door, but the line-up entrance is actually on the side and down the stairs, the observation room is on the 45th floor.
There could be quite a long line-up, usually takes more than 30mins to get in, it may be good idea to go during lunch hour or dinner time.

Opening hours
North observation room: 9:30~22:00
South observation room: 9:30~17:30

North observation room: every 2nd and 4th Monday
South observation room: every 1st and 3rd Tuesday

Entrance fee: Free

Here are some of the night view photos I took from the building, the place is basically a room surrounded by glass windows, it was quite hard to avoid light reflection of the windows when taking pictures.

The view should also look quite nice during daytime, although as a personally preference, I fancy city night view more.


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